
How To Get A Second Bachelor's Degree

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If you're still in college, getting a second bachelor's degree could be as easy as picking up a second major.[1] If you've already graduated from college, it's a bit trickier. Getting a second bachelor's degree can be an important step in retooling your career or deepening your knowledge about a particular subject. There are challenges involved, however, including constraints on time, money, and enrollment policies. Before beginning a second bachelor's degree program, research which institutions and courses of study are right with you. If you enroll in a program, stay aware of policies by contacting advisors so that you can complete your degree as efficiently as possible.

  1. 1

    Consider whether or not a second bachelor's degree is the right plan for you. For many careers and goals, having just a single bachelor's degree is sufficient. Those interested in more advanced study in a particular field might consider entering a graduate school program instead of earning a second bachelor's degree, since graduate degrees can open additional career possibilities and provide more substantial qualifications if you want to work in a particular field.

    • Second bachelor's degrees make the most sense if a career change or other factor requires you to acquire a body of knowledge in a substantially different field.[2]
    • Some potential employers or others who review your credentials might see earning a second bachelor's degree as showing a lack of commitment, so be prepared to explain your reason for earning one if you decide it is the best plan for you.
    • Many graduate programs don't necessarily require an undergraduate degree in the same field as a prerequisite for admission. For instance, you may be able to enter a graduate program in Sociology even if your undergraduate degree is in Anthropology, or a program in English if your bachelor's degree is in Computer Science. With this in mind, consider whether a graduate program or a second bachelor's degree is the best option for your plans. You can contact the graduate coordinator of the program you're interested in for details.
  2. 2

    Choose the right field of study based on your career plans and an institution's admissions requirements. Many programs will only consider admitting second bachelor's degree students if their intended field of study is substantially different from their first bachelor's degree.[3] [4] [5] For instance, if you already have a bachelor's degree in biology, some institutions will not admit you if you want to earn a second bachelor's degree in microbiology. However, the same institution might consider admitting you if you want to earn a second bachelor's degree in computer science.

    • Generally, the intention of most colleges and universities is to award first bachelor's degrees to students.[6]
  3. 3

    Determine how you would fund a second bachelor's degree program. While you may be able to find some financial aid as a second bachelor's degree student, many loans, grants, and scholarships are only available to first bachelor's degree students. When selecting a school and program, or deciding to get a second bachelor's degree at all, make sure to consider the cost of attendance (tuition, fees, living expenses, etc.).

    • You can find information about costs of attendance at a particular college or university via its admissions website.
    • Private loans may be available to fund a second bachelor's degree program, but can have high interest rates.
    • Contact an institution's financial aid office about particular sources of funding that might be available to you as a second bachelor's degree student.
  1. 1

    Choose an institution or program you are permitted to enroll in. Some institutions or particular programs limit the number of second bachelor's degree students they admit, or will not accept them at all.[7] This is more frequently the case for high-demand courses of study or at campuses where student enrollment is at or above capacity. If this is the case for you, either look for a different institution to study the same subject at, or choose a different program of study at the same institution.

    • You can search for colleges and universities in a particular area using online databases.[8] [9] [10] Then, check the admissions website for an institution you are interested in to see if it admits students seeking a second bachelor's degree.
  2. 2

    Meet admissions requirements. Each college or university will consider specific criteria when determining which applicants to admit. Matching these criteria does not guarantee admission, but increases your chances of being accepted. For applicants seeking a second bachelor's degree, common admissions requirements include:[11]

    • Completion of a four-year college course of study leading to a bachelor's degree. Most colleges and universities require your first bachelor's degree to have been awarded by a regionally accredited institution.
    • Previous good standing at the last college or university you attended.
    • A good GPA. Many institutions require second bachelor's degree applicants to have maintained a GPA above a certain threshold, particularly if the intended concentration is in a high-demand field.
    • If you are an international student, there may be additional admissions requirements for you, such as certifying language competency or showing proof of accreditation for your previous bachelor's degree.[12]
  3. 3

    Complete the application for admission. Depending on the college or university you are applying to, there may be a special application for second bachelor's degree students. Other colleges and universities will have only one application for all students.[13] [14] Check the admissions website for a college or university you are thinking about applying to for details on the application process.

    • Most institutions have application fees, including for those seeking a second bachelor's degree.[15] [16]
    • You may have to submit special documents as part of your application, including transcripts and/or proof of your previous degree, a statement of purpose or admissions essay, etc.
    • If you are seeking a second bachelor's degree at the same institution which awarded your first one, you may be asked to complete an application for readmission instead.[17]
  1. 1

    Meet with an advisor. After you are admitted, you should meet with the academic advisor for your program of study.[18] He or she can help you figure out which courses to take to complete your program, how to declare your major, and make you aware of any other requirements you need to complete at your college or university.

  2. 2

    Complete your course of study. Once admitted and enrolled, you should begin taking courses and completing other requirements necessary to get your second bachelor's degree. Depending on your institution and program, you may or may not be able to apply courses taken for your first bachelor's degree for credit toward your second one.[19]

    • Even if you received your first bachelor's degree from the same institution you are attending to earn your second one, you may not be able to get credit for previous courses taken, since institutional and program requirements can vary.[20]
    • Institutions that allow you to transfer credits from a previous degree program may still require you to take at least a certain number of credit hours for your second degree program.
    • As a second bachelor's degree student, you may also be required to maintain a certain GPA.[21]
  3. 3

    Graduate. Once you complete all institutional and program requirements for your second bachelor's degree, you can apply for graduation and officially receive your degree.

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  • Question

    How long does it take to get a 2nd bachelor's degree?

    Katherine Demby

    Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor.

    Katherine Demby

    Test Prep Specialist

    Expert Answer

    It can be time consuming and difficult since you have to complete twice the amount of coursework, so it may take a while. This is why a lot of people choose to double-major a lot of the time, since a lot of the requirements may overlap.

  • Question

    Is it worth it to get a second bachelor's degree?

    Katherine Demby

    Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor.

    Katherine Demby

    Test Prep Specialist

    Expert Answer

    It really depends. I'd say that it's most worth it when the degrees are in totally different fields, like physics and English. If the degrees would be in super similar fields, like English and history, or physics and math, you're usually better off just double-majoring.

  • Question

    What about if I don't want to use my credits or units; however, I would like to use my B.S. GPA and honors awards to help me get in? Would that be allowed or overviewed?

    Brian Salazar-Prince

    Brian Salazar-Prince

    Top Answerer

    Typically, when you complete a second bachelor's degree you only need to complete the new technical coursework instead of also completing the general education curriculum. I believe it is almost a universal requirement that any time you enter a college having previously earned college credit, that credit be evaluated for applicability to your new program.

  • Question

    I have a B. S. in Criminal Justice, and I have 12 credits in psychology. How many more credits would I need to earn a Psychology?

    Brian Salazar-Prince

    Brian Salazar-Prince

    Top Answerer

    The number of credits required for an undergraduate degree in psychology vary from one college to another, but a degree typically requires 10 to 15 courses in the field. It is important to note, however, that just because you have credits in he field does not mean they will be applicable. For example, many psychology degree programs do not accept credit in an Intro to Psych course or have certain distribution course requirements.

  • Question

    Can I have twp bachelor's degrees? B.E and B.Sc?

    Brian Salazar-Prince

    Brian Salazar-Prince

    Top Answerer

    It is possible to earn a degree at the same level of study (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral) in different fields, yes. Before you do, however, you should consider whether it would be more advantageous for you to earn a second undergraduate degree or whether you would benefit more from a graduate degree in the second field of interest.

  • Question

    Can the credits from the first degree transfer to the second?



    Community Answer

    If you are graduated from your first degree, you are not allowed to transfer your past credits to the second degree. The transferring process is possible with if you did not yet graduate with your first degree. Once you graduate, those credits are sealed and cannot be used for another bachelor's.

  • Question

    Is there a time limit on the when to get the second BA after I get the first?

    Jorge Hernandez

    Jorge Hernandez

    Community Answer

    Between 18 to 22 years old there is a cap on how many loans you can receive, and typically after someone finishes their first degree, assuming you are awarded grants, you will not be eligible to receive grants for your second degree. That's why schools pressure you to finish in 4 years; to be able to reap the benefits of grants received at that time. In my case, since I am older, 24 years old to be exact; the minimum age to obtain more loans is 24 because of a recent law change. I was told that in the eyes of the law/government, that age is seen as being a full-fledged adult responsible enough for more loans. This was the case with financial aid, I don't know about private loans with banks.

  • Question

    Can I apply for a second bachelor's degree program if I am still working on the first one?

    Community Answer

    Yes. I am applying to some schools now, and on the application, it asks whether or not you have a bachelor's degree already, or are completing one before obtaining the other. What they will have you do is enter the graduation date of when you will be receiving your first degree and have you submit a letterhead from the dean of your school indicating you will have your degree before entering another institution.

  • Question

    I am interested in getting a second bachelor's degree after I have graduated, but am wondering if I would have to fulfill general education credits all over again?

    Community Answer

    It depends on the school. Some schools have a "Second Bachelor's" program where your first Bachelor's degree will count towards a large number of your credit requirements. For example, the college I go to for grad school gives you 90 credits for your first Bachelor's degree, but you still have to fulfill an advanced writing class as well as your second major's requirements.

  • Question

    I am 47, with a BS in psychology from 1995. I'd like a second degree in organizational psychology - if I can find an online option - but they are quite similar. Suggestions? Masters instead?

    Community Answer

    A Master's degree may be a better bet. As organizational psychology is a part of psychology, some psychology graduate programs will have several different concentrations. Besides, if you want to do anything in the field of psychology, you need at least a Master's degree.

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Article SummaryX

To get a second bachelor's degree after you've graduated, start by researching universities and determining which ones will allow you to earn a second bachelor's degree. Then, make sure you meet the university's admission requirements that are specific to getting a second degree, such as good standing at your previous school and a good GPA. Then, fill out the application on the university's admissions website, and make sure to include previous transcripts and a new admissions essay or statement of purpose. For tips from our Education co-author on how to transfer credits from a previous degree program, keep reading.

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How To Get A Second Bachelor's Degree


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